2 min readOct 3, 2021


Sunday, 3rd October, Boltrswap-Beta is open for a testing for the KCC Grant Competition.

In this beta, KCC community can swap BOL using USDC (KCC Only), USDT (KCC Only), KCS (KCC Only), and Liquidity Provider able to farm LP token KCS-BOL.

(Note: BOL is not a valuable asset for you to trade or sell. The current usage is only for swapping inside the Boltrswap for our KCC Grant Competition, the more KCS-BOL staked the more voting we have, and nominated for the grant. It will be shared reward among participants inside the LP).


  1. Boltrswap
    Boltrswap is a decentralized exchange and yields aggregating platform based in KuCoin Community Chain (KCC).
  2. BOL
    BOL is the governance token of Boltrswap.
  3. BoltrFarm
    BoltrFarm is a farming yield platform to earn BOL for contributing liquidity to Boltrswap

### Disclaimer

During this period, BOL cannot be considered a form of investment as it is still under Beta testing and its value is limited to this grant competition only, where its liquidity is tied to the BOL-KCS pairing.

The primary purpose of BOL is to support Boltrswap as a DEX software in the effort to win the KCC Grant in the Grant Competition and has no economic purpose for individuals. The reason for staking KCS-BOL is to earn yield from our Grant Sharing, but only if we are nominated. The process will utilize the KCS liquidity we stake at the LP.

In technical terms, KCC is not widely supported by any DAX, and BOL is a non-tradeable asset on DAX. The usage of BOL is only limited to KCC for the Grant Period. Please be aware that if someone tries to sell this token to you, it should be considered a scam. Please exercise caution and follow the rules and regulations of your country before proceeding, as we firmly state that this is for the Grant Competition only, and the reward on the LP is solely from the Grant Reward that we put forth.

All images provided herein are by Boltr Labs




Written by Boltr.

Boltr is a decentralize exchange and yield aggregated platform running in KuCoin Community Chain (KCC).

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